
10th July 2015

Amazing facts about your mouth!

Our dentists at Claregate Dental Practice believe in high-quality care for our patients. But we also believe in educating them about their oral health so they can be empowered to live healthy lives.

Here are some fun facts about teeth we thought you’d enjoy learning about:

  • The enamel on the top surface of your tooth is the hardest part of your entire body. Your enamel is made of mineralised tissues that is designed to help us chew and tear through our food. When your enamel isn’t cared for, it can chip under pressure or decay due to plaque and bacteria.

  • Teeth start to form even before you are born—milk teeth or baby teeth start to form when the baby is in the womb, but they come through when the child is between 6-12 months old.

  • Humans use four different types of teeth (incisors, canine, premolars, and molars) to cut, tear and grind their food.

  • Humans have only two sets of teeth in their entire lifetime—baby teeth and permanent teeth. Once you have your permanent teeth, make sure you take good care of them!

  • No two people have the same set of teeth—your teeth are as unique as your fingerprint, so be proud of your unique set of teeth.

  • An average person spends 70 – 80 days brushing their teeth over their lifetime. If you brush for two minutes, twice a day every day, for most of your life, you’ll be brushing for a total of 70 to 80 days!

  • Many diseases are linked to your oral health, including heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

  • One-third of your tooth is underneath your gums (the roots) — that means only two-thirds of your tooth’s length is visible. This is why caring for your gums is vitally important and should be a part of your oral health routine.

Contact us

If you’re interested in caring for your mouth with expert advice and treatment, simply book in with our Wolverhampton dentist please contact us at 01902 754 525 or book online.


*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.