15th December 2021
Invisalign Vs Braces: Which Should You Choose
Taking care of your smile and creating a healthy, attractive and straight appearance is top of most people’s lists, especially now we’re entering party season with Christmas just around the corner. While there are lots of treatments that can makeover your smile almost instantly, Invisalign (and braces) take a little time – but should be top of your New Year’s resolutions.
In today’s post, our expert dentists here at our Wolverhampton dental practice specialise in Invisalign, clear braces and recommend it to those seeking braces. Here’s why we think it scores higher than traditional fixed, metal apparatus – and why you should give Invisalign ago.
1. Invisalign is almost invisible
Invisalign is known as the clear brace because it’s extremely discreet, owing to its transparent acrylic construction. People may not even tell you’re wearing it. While fixed braces have certainly come on in recent years, and some can have clear elements, as of yet, there isn’t a fixed brace that’s completely clear – or as discreet as Invisalign.

2. Invisalign braces are removable
Flexible clear braces fit your lifestyle. Whenever you need to eat, smile for a photo or want to give them a clean, you can easily take them out. Fixed braces can only be applied and removed by a dentist.
3. Invisalign is highly comfortable
Fixed metal braces need constant adjustment and tightening, and wires can feel uncomfortable in your mouth. By comparison, Invisalign aligners fit snugly onto your teeth. Aside from mild pressure each time you change your aligners, you shouldn’t experience much in the way of discomfort. Plus, you can always pop them out for a quick break – provided you wear them 20-22 hours per day.
4. Invisalign braces are predictable
You’ve heard us talk about aligners, but all these means is the tray-like brace that fits onto your teeth. Treatment builds a picture of your current smile, your desired smile and how your teeth need to be moved over time, and an aligner is created for each stage of treatment. It’s really simple and extremely predictable – and you can even have refinements (tweaks) at the end of treatment if you choose. In addition, you’ll have a retainer to keep teeth in their new positions once you finish treatment.
5. Invisalign is easy
Our final point: you can clean Invisalign with ease. Much more so than fixed braces, which require navigating around lots of complicated apparatus. Don’t believe us? Why not give Invisalign clear braces ago? Just get in touch and we’ll book a consultation just for you.