Woman with invisible braces in Wolverhampton dental practice smiling

11th April 2023

Pros and Cons of Invisible Braces

Invisible braces have changed the face of modern dentistry – so say our experts in Wolverhampton. But, that doesn’t mean they’re the right choice for every patient. Today, we’ll look at their many pros and cons, helping you make the right decision for you.

What are invisible braces?

They are braces that virtually can’t be seen when being worn. There are many different types, from fixed braces with clear or tooth-coloured elements, to lingual braces that are attached to the back surfaces of the teeth, to removable aligners. For the purposes of this post, we’ll be focusing on the latter – Invisalign removable aligners.

Why do people want to have invisible braces?

There are lots of reasons, but usually, it’s because our patients want a more discreet option for their treatment. This is true whether they’re teenagers or adults. Clear braces can make people feel much less self-conscious while undergoing teeth straightening and that’s a win in our book.

What are some pros of invisible braces?

Woman with Invisalign braces turning away in Wolverhampton

As well as the huge benefit that clear braces are much less noticeable on the smile, they’re also extremely flexible – Invisalign braces can be removed at any time. That means no restrictions on what you eat or drink, and a break whenever you need it – provided you wear them for the required time each day. Invisalign braces are also known for being much more comfortable than fixed metal braces, as there’s no need to fix anything to the teeth.

What are some cons of invisible braces?

Invisalign braces use a treatment programme where you must go through a number of aligners to achieve your desired results. That means you’ll have to be dedicated to your treatment, and to changing your set of aligners when directed. It’s something our Wolverhampton dentists can help with, to keep your treatment on track. Also, some people find Invisalign braces to be quite a costly option when compared to other methods – but we find the benefits outweigh this.

What about fixed metal braces?

Pros for metal braces tend to be that they are cheaper and you don’t need to remember to do anything (or risk losing them!). But, cons for metal braces put many people off – like needing extra cleaning, or the potential for discomfort as they are tightened throughout treatment.

Which brace is right for me?

In this guide, you’ll hopefully have a bit more advice on each and know more about the advantages and disadvantages of both fixed and clear braces. But ultimately, the decision is down to you and what’s best for your smile, as well as what meets your budget. That’s why we offer all our patients a thorough consultation at our Wolverhampton dental practice, which gives you the chance to explore your options fully.

Arrange a bespoke consultation

Get in touch with our Wolverhampton team to book your Invisalign consultation today.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.