woman in Wolverhampton dental practice pointing at Invisalign teeth

19th May 2023

Which Foods Should I Avoid With Invisalign Braces?

Invisalign braces are a great option for those seeking to straighten their smiles, combat oral health concerns caused by gaps and crowding, or correct bite problems. But there’s a lot to learn about how these clever, clear braces work – and whether you need to make any adjustments to your lifestyle.

In this blog, our team of dentists from Wolverhampton will talk about Invisalign braces in a bit more detail, including how treatment works, what you can expect from results, how to care for yourself during the process and much, much more.

Will I have to change my diet with Invisalign?

No, you won’t. That’s because you must remove the braces whenever you eat or drink (except for drinking water). Although Invisalign aligners are strong and flexible, they’re made of acrylic which can become cracked or damaged with biting and chewing forces. So, you shouldn’t wear them when snacking or at mealtimes.

woman holding Invisalign braces next to face at Wolverhampton dental practice

So, what are these braces and how do they work?

Invisalign braces are clear aligners that fit comfortably over your teeth and gently reposition your smile over time. Instead of fixed braces with wires and brackets that need constant tweaking and adjustment, you’ll just need to change which Invisalign braces you wear every few weeks. That’s because each set has tiny differences that incrementally adjust the smile. Patients find them very comfortable as a result, and being removable and clear makes them more flexible and discreet.

How much do I need to wear my Invisalign?

Most dentists, including our team in Wolverhampton, suggest 20-22 hours of wear per day. This includes overnight wear. If you neglect your schedule, you might find treatment takes longer or the braces are uncomfortable on your smile.

What about cleaning my Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are easy enough to clean – a quick rinse whenever you eat is fine, as well as brushing them gently each evening. Invisalign also makes cleaning crystals to soak them every few days. If you need to take out your braces for a reason other than cleaning, store them in your case.

Will I still need to clean my teeth?

Of course! And the same goes for flossing, too. In fact, keeping your teeth clean before removing and putting in Invisalign braces is even more important as food and drinks can get lodged in the aligners whilst you are wearing them.

How long will Invisalign braces take to work?

You might see results in a matter of weeks to months, as the adjustments are made incrementally. Full results will be discussed with you during your consultation – it depends on the condition of your smile and what treatment is needed.

I’ve got more questions…

That’s great! Our Wolverhampton dentists are happy to help. Schedule an Invisalign consultation today at Claregate Dental.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Claregate Dental cannot guarantee specific results.